Thursday 23 July 2009

Greetings from duck land

Welcome to the very first blog on my new website. From time to time I will be posting my thoughts about many different things in business and in life.

I hope you enjoy reading….

Recently I had the pleasure of speaking at the Wrekin Writers group in Telford, a great bunch of people who write for fun, professionally or who aspire to be published writers.

It was a really brilliant morning and I had fun talking to them about choosing a positive mood and attitude to life. As I soon discovered this was extremely relevant as lots of the people there had received many rejection letters from publishers.

My message was don’t ever give up, try and try again, one day you will get the letter that says yes you are accepted. If you believe and have faith in your ability you will achieve. Without hope, without belief you have nothing.

It was really great to spend some time with them and as I left I felt that I had made a positive impact on some of their lives.

More than I thought actually as a number of people e-mailed me over the next few days telling me how much they had enjoyed the morning and saying how they had been inspired to keep trying to reach their goals in life.

That wasn’t all, because as I was randomly googling away one morning I came across a blog site called Julie’s Quest and amazingly, Julie had been at the Writers morning and taken the time to write down her thoughts.

“I’m always suspicious of motivational speakers, but I have to say that Liam O’Connell was very good, well done Liam for converting me.

Liam said that sometimes it is ourselves who provide our own barriers, I can’t, I won’t. There are so many reasons why we choose not to follow our dreams, and that’s what it is choice – we can choose to handle the difficulties and obstacles life throws at us in a negative or a positive way. And we can choose our attitude and respond to things that happen to us.

So next time you find yourself or someone else saying to you, you can’t write, you won’t ever be published, tell yourself you can write and you will be published. And don’t feed the ducks along the way – The ducks are the negative people in our lives who zap our positive energy and self belief, bully ducks, victim ducks, Hoover ducks, so DON’T LET THEM!”

Other people started writing on Julies Blog and saying things like“I am on a high and I am sending all my rejected work off again. I know what you mean about motivational speakers, it’s great when one actually inspires.”

It was total chance that I came across Julie’s blog, or was it? But that’s another thought for another day. What I can say is that it made me realise that I love what I do and I am passionate about helping people achieve their goals in life or business. It motivated and inspired me to continue what I do and take my messages to as many people as I possibly can.

Thanks Julie, we all need inspiring; even us so called “motivational speakers”

For information

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